Tag Archives: Christine

Mary Queen of Angels – December Horoscopes

13 oracle cards on a blue background.

Lady Mary Queen of Angels – Sun Sign Horoscopes for December!

December is a time for tradition. While we all are on our own spiritual journeys, we are making the shift through the darkest part of the year, in order to come out on the other side—in the light. The energy of this being a Master Number 11 month compounds all of the buzzy, eddying energy available. Harness it and put it to good use during your celebrations.

What are your holiday traditions? How will you usher in the light after Winter Solstice/Yule? Sending a special birthday wish to my Sagittarius and Capricorn friends. Know that you are loved – and that we need to have a huge Christmas in July party in 2016. (Being 6 months younger wouldn’t hurt, either! My Mother brought me home in an Xmas stocking, so I’ve seen every “Merry Birthday” card on the market between my own birthday and those of half of my grandparents. We all had Christmas week birthdays, so I still miss celebrating with them.)

 Don’t forget to check out the rest of ChristinethePsychic.com.  Want a private or small group class or consultation?  Want to spice up your next party with your own reader? Email ChristinethePsychic@gmail.com to set up your next party or event!

Bright Blessings, Christine

December 2015 Horoscopes

This month’s horoscopes were channeled using Doreen Virtue’s Mary, Queen of Angels oracle deck. While it’s a fun deck to use for the holiday season, you don’t have to celebrate Christmas to enjoy Mary’s insights—she’s a representation of the great Earth Mother and can also be seen as Kuan Yin, or the female version of the Buddha, and even Gaia, goddess of the Earth.

Many of the keywords for Mary’s cards have to do with our attitudes and how to remove energy blockages in order to bring in what’s for our best and highest good.

December’s Message: BLESSINGS

Blessings are coming in for December.

Blessings are coming in for December.

As we being to embrace the holiday season, take time each evening to write down a good thing that happened during the day as well as something you are looking forward to during the month of December. If you keep this little “gratitude” journal of your blessings, you will notice how quickly it snowballs. You’ll be able to take stock of beautiful moments each day, even if things become harried or busy.

Remember that you, your family and friends, your pets, and your loved ones are all blessed. We have all been brought together for our divine purposes, and you, like the angels, do contribute to making the world a better place each day. Thank you for being a part of the blessings on this earth during this holiday season.


December Sun Signs

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21) ~ Boundaries

Boundaries card on blue background.

Boundaries will help you this December.

Know that you are supported by the angels, Sagittarius, as you go about your way this December. Ask them for any help or assistance you need, whether it is large or small. Flex your angel muscles! As you do, also remember that you deserve to have your boundaries respected. Some of you will need help in setting the boundaries, while others of you need to take a little time to think about situations that could arise this month, so that you can consciously choose your boundaries. You don’t want to learn about your boundaries by having others trample over them.

Follow this edict from the angels, and even if you don’t need them, ask them along for the ride. You deserve to feel content, secure, respected, and loved for this month, and always.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) ~ Optimism

Optimism card on blue background.

Capricorn, it’s time to be optimistic in December!

It’s time to set up some Great Expectations, Capricorn! Open your heart a little more, and let some of those secret wishes and wants come out to play. Expect that your needs will be met, your wishes fulfilled – if you only put in the strength to as k for what you want, or to take that road not taken to get what you need. Maybe it’s that you finally want to go ice-skating outside this December, whether it’s at Rockefeller Square under the big glowing tree, or on the balcony at Whole Foods in Austin.

And if it’s a kiss you want, get to hanging up that mistletoe! Whatever your Christmas or holiday wish is, go for it!

You must choose success for it to be drawn to you. Expect success.


Aquarius (January 21 – February 19) ~ Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.

Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.

We forgive to give ourselves a new lease on life – not to give the person who wronged us a “get out of jail free” card. People make it sound so easy, and we know it will shift, the release will happen at the right time. Well, this IS the right time, Aquarius. It’s time to accept that person as they are, release them, and make your heart whole again.

If it’s a big forgive that needs to happen, then set yourself up for success before you go to sleep for three nights. Ask Spirit, Lady Mary, or the great Flying Spaghetti Monster to “cut the cords” for this situation.

If it’s a little forgive that needs to happen, get outside, under the stars, and imagine all the negativity from the situation draining into the ground. Ask Mother Earth to recycle the energy and sleep soundly.

Or, you may find that you are unexpectedly offered an apology or another gift. Know that by doing your own release work, whatever that is, you open yourself to be brought new spiritual and emotional gifts (and cookies wouldn’t hurt, either!). You are loved.

Pisces (February 20 – March 20) ~ Quiet

Pisces, take time out for yourself this month.

Pisces, take time out for yourself this month.

You have the answers within you. Go to that quiet place when you want to hear them, Pisces. If you take time to listen, you will be amazed at the wisdom your spirit will offer you. Let go of the memories of Christmas Past.

Lady Mary wants you to allow in your Christmas or holiday future, but you need to set aside a little time for reflection this month. It will serve you well and keep you going as you bop from party to party. Take the rest and quiet time you need to enjoy this delightful month, Pisces. Seek balance and you will find all the things you need.

Reluctant Piscean spiritualists may become baffled at the changes in energy coming up. But, it’s all good.

Aries (March 21 – April 20) ~ Watched Over

Remember to speak with the angels this month, Aries.

Remember to speak with the angels this month, Aries.

When you and those close to you are watched over, you can let go of the strings a bit. Take a deep breath and relax.

If you are a parent/grandparent/parent by choice, let your children take those next steps. Let them stay out an hour later with their friends. Let them try cooking the family dish for the first time. Know that you’ve done a great job in helping them become the young people that they are today. Let them bring home a new boy/girl friend that maybe you don’t like. Trust that if they don’t know what they are doing now, they will very soon.

For friends, colleagues and others. Let go. You are safe, so you can be generous. For example, Phil from work thinks a juicer is a good gift for his wife, because he wants fresh orange juice on the weekend. So what! Or your crazy best friend wants to start a catering business or Etsy shop? It’s time for you to be the sunshine for the others around you.

YOU are the hope-giver right now. Your beaming energy is contagious. You are the emotional equivalent of Santa for grown-ups! And you know why? Because YOU are watched over. You are protected and loved both in this realm and the great beyond.

Taurus (April 21 – May 20) ~ Present Moment

Taurus, your gift this month is to enjoy the present moment.

Taurus, your gift this month is to enjoy the present moment.

Worry is not serving you, Taurus. When you feel that buzzy energy of December 2015 swirling around you, take a time out. Then, do something that will help you in the here and now. Set a time for 15 minutes and do something that will make you grounded in the present moment. Maybe that’s cleaning out a kitchen drawer, taking a shower, walking around the block, or coloring a page in a coloring book.

Bring yourself to the present. And bring those people you love around you so that you can enjoy them in the present. Now is a gift we can give to ourselves, and to others. If you’re single right now, saying “yes” to enjoying the moment will attract folks to you like a magnet! The same is true if you’re looking for new friends. Go to the parties, and say yes to fun this month.


Gemini (May 21 – June 20) ~ Gratitude

Gratitude will bring you contentment and joy this month.

Gratitude will bring you contentment and joy this month.

Gemini, have you ever heard the old Protestant hymn, “Praise God through whom all blessings flow”? Acknowledging the role Spirit (God, Goddess, or even Your Higher Self) played in getting you where you are today will bring you an abundance of blessings this month. Some will be surprises.

To bring in your holiday wishes, know yourself and what you want. Ask Spirit to provide, and continue to do your homework on the other end. Clean out your home or office so there’s room for new blessings to come in. Create a vacuum of physical space. If you want Santa to visit for Christmas, you have to hang up your stocking!

Belief, faith, hope, and gratitude will bring you to a new level of abundance.

Cancer (June 21 – July 21) ~ Action

It's time to get your ducks in a row And move forward this month.

It’s time to get your ducks in a row AND move forward this month.

Aha, Cancer! Lady Mary has caught you with your hand in the cookie jar! It’s time to stop procrastinating—which is happening since there’s a lot of new energy ready to flow in once the dam breaks down. Take action in big ways and small—state your preference when asked what you want for dinner. Practice voicing your opinion, because without it, action has nowhere to follow, nowhere to take you. What’s your biggest dream for the next year? And what small action can you take today to make it happen?

You may feel more like life happens to you instead of for you. This December is the birth of a new cycle for you, if you’re up for it. Time to shake things up! Write up that bucket list, post it on your bathroom mirror, and get crackin’!


Leo (July 22 – August 21) ~ Children

Remember holidays of years gone by?

Remember holidays of years gone by?

Have you gotten in touch with your inner child lately, Leo? You’re feeling the fact that you’re an old soul more and more recently. It’s time to release any blocks around your heart. Your heart is so big; that sometimes you feel like it needs to be held back. Not so this month, Leo. Let your star shine, and your heart love. Enjoy your children, your pets, and your family of choice.

Open yourself to the wonder of the season. Remember what it was like to find joy, and beauty, in everyday things. A butterfly. New snow. Riding a skateboard down that hill that scared you. Leo, you can manifest what you desire, if you remember the yearnings of your childish heart.


Virgo (August 22 – September 21)  ~ Joy

Time to download some Joy.

Time to download some Joy, Virgo!

Live in the moment, Virgo. Spend time doing things that bring you into the present, with people that make you laugh, or make your heart ache in a wonderful way. You deserve to be surrounded with those people who enjoy doing what you do, where you can all escape into the moment.

Join a roller derby. Dance. Play in a band. Build a gazebo. Or run away to join the circus. Move to Portland.

Shake things up, and enjoy the people, places, and things that you love.


Libra (September 22 – October 21) ~ Mother

Libra, Lady Mary offers you a Mother's blessing this month.

Libra, Lady Mary offers you a Mother’s blessing this month.

We can all open our hearts to the divine mother, regardless of whether we are male or female. This season is a time to reach out to others who may be in pain. If you’re in emotional pain yourself—this is a time to put out some tentacles of trust and latch on to those helpers who can bring you back into the light.

Mother is the divine nurturer, the divine safe space. She brings us peace along with hope for new beginnings. Let this December be a time for you to bring those you love together and shift from darkness to light. Winter Solstice, or Yule, is the birth of the light half of the year. Know that the light is coming, physically, literally, and emotionally. Yule begins an important 6-month cycle for you, Libra. What will you bring into the light with you? What’s worth keeping for the journey?

Scorpio (October 22 – November 22) ~ Tenderness

Tenderness means that the locks on your heart are ready to open to a new level this month.

Tenderness means that the locks on your heart are ready to open to a new level this month.

Scorpio, you can be strong and merciful at the same time. You may be made into a Good Samaritan of sorts or be assisted by one this month. It is time to contact with new people and ideas. Know that you are filled with the Divine. Of course, don’t do anything stupid—but know that you have the power to take on anything. Consider the amount of power needed to get the job done. Your strength, your heart, and your influence is larger than you may think. Don’t power wash your wine glasses. Use the right amount of energy to get the job done.

If you’re willing to show a bit more of your soft side, love will be drawn to you. Irresistibly. Enjoy the party!


Sending every joy to your and yours in this holiday season.  Have a wonderful December!   ~ Christine

Clockwise from top: Scolecite, Apophyllite, Chinese Writing Rock, Pipestone, jade, quartz skull. Center: Quartz point.

Clockwise from top: Scolecite, Apophyllite, Chinese Writing Rock, Pipestone, jade, quartz skull. Center: Quartz point.








Tarot Horoscope! – October 2015

October's Channeled Horoscope Uses the Morgan-Greer Tarot.

October’s Channeled Horoscope Uses the Morgan-Greer Tarot.

We’re all waiting with bated breath for the weather to turn chilly down here in Texas. I remember the gorgeous leaves and the changing of the seasons from when I lived in Indiana and upstate New York. It was a feast of beauty for the eyes and the soul. And a time to break out the cute sweaters! Here, we wear shorts whenever we can, and enjoy the brief bursts of rain turning everything green once more. Leaves will fall eventually…maybe for Thanksgiving?

A free newsletter with a monthly magical empowerment article is available along with listings for Christine’s fairs and classes.  Empower your life through positivity by emailing ChristinethePsychic@gmail.com to have it delivered to your inbox!

Love & Angel Blessings, Christine

October 2015 Horoscopes

This month’s horoscopes were channeled using the Morgan Greer Tarot. This deck riffs on the traditional Rider-Waite, but has richer color saturation (versus the traditional wood cuts) and focuses more on people and relationships in its imagery. It’s a wonderful deck to use if you want to keep all the symbolism of the Rider-Waite, but want something with a bit of pizzazz.

October’s Message: The Ace of Swords – Time for a Do Over!

October's Message: Ace of Swords

October’s Message: Ace of Swords

We’ve come through the Fall Equinox and we’ve progressed through the blood moon eclipse of September 27th. The result is that Spirit is providing us with a clean slate, or a do-over if we need one. In October, Spirit supports us all in endeavors that use our brains, and our bodies. This can be manifested through solving an old problem that nagged and nagged at us, but a new solution pops out of nowhere. Or, that exercise or meditation practice that was always so hard to start—give it a try now, even if it means we give ourselves a goal like, “I’m going to go and stand on the treadmill for 5 minutes per day.” By thinking of doing things in a new way, we break out of old patterns and can achieve victory more quickly. If there’s something we want, it’s time to get started on “thinking outside of the box.”

October Sun Signs

Libra (September 22 – October 21) ~ (VII) The Chariot

Libra: VII The Chariot

Libra: VII The Chariot

Have you ever heard the theme for the old TV show, Bonanza? The dotted melody pushes you along and you get the sense of freedom, of just flying by, being at one with your horse, with the wind in your hair. The Chariot provides you with freedom, with relief. And since you have this card in addition to the Ace of Swords—you’ll be able to bring wonderful things into your life this October. Depending on what you want—it might not take a month (could be shorter/longer), but you can sure as heck cut off some travel time—the burden and gift of this month is this: You can have what you want—but you have to KNOW what you want. You have to get confident enough to KNOW it in your BONES. If your horse is wheeling in circles, it’s fun for a while, but can eventually make you feel a bit sick. Not sure where to start? First, write it down (or make a Pinterest board). Second, ask for help from the Universe—and if you’re a spiritual type like so many of us are, CHOOSE a particular entity, even if you’ve never prayed. Focus that laser beam.

Scorpio (October 22 – November 22) ~ 10 of Swords

Scorpio: 10 of Swords with sunstone and Red Jasper stones.

Scorpio: 10 of Swords with Sunstone and Red Jasper stones.

With the Ace of Swords as your companion card (above for October) you’re going from 0-60 (Ace to Ten of Swords) in 5 seconds. You’re a well-oiled machine—but everything has to be prepped and in order to make the journey. Get an oil check or a tune up on your car if you drive. Scorpio, your goal this month is to find the middle way through. Follow the balanced path—but start embracing your shadow side.

It’s easy to overthink because you’re smart as a whip and like to GSD (Get Stuff Done). Prioritize. You’ll move your mountain. Also, try to fly a little under the radar—only tell those people who truly have your back about your plans to take over the world (or your love life, or your workplace). Don’t give the naysayers, the jealous folks, or the haters any energy to take you down. Not necessarily stealth, but quiet confidence as you progress through October and  GSD.

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21) ~ (XVII) The Star

Sagittarius: XVII The Star

Sagittarius: XVII The Star

Near the close of the Major Arcana, the tarot has the Moon, the Sun, and the Star. Of the three, the Star has the wisdom of being able to balance the darkness and the light. Her waters are calm, but have a swift undercurrent to take you to your destination, while the Star, like the rainbow, has the promise of a happy end. The eight stars above her are the number of infinity, of continual manifestation. It’s a reminder to bring your bliss to pass.

What will your happy ending be this month, Sagittarius? Is it a hot date with a new paramour? Is it a comfortable evening sharing a barbecue outdoors with your significant other? Is it being surrounded by a group of cheering fans at a Rush concert, who know the words to every tune? The Star is a reminder to follow your bliss. By doing so, you’re feeding your soul. It’s a must.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) ~ 9 of Pentacles

Capricorn: 9 of Pentacles

Capricorn: 9 of Pentacles

Capricorn, with the suit of pentacles you really can’t go wrong. You’re the one who’s always working, even on your day off. It’s time to cash in on all of that work! It’s time to bring your life back into balance. The Ace of Swords for October provides easy passage, and your necklace of pentacle coins, hard work, experiences, are lined up around your neck, like a string of beads.

What will you do to nurture and to feed yourself; emotionally, in your relationships, and spiritually during October? Relax and enjoy the fruits of your labors. In November, you’ll be starting an entirely new cycle. Take October and bring the people you love around you; those people who make up your family of choice. Also, if you’d like to have an animal Spirit Guide, now is a good time to ask. This animal can show up in the physical or the astral. There’s several ways to find them: 1) If you have a pet, sit quietly with them and ask if they’d be your Guide. –Or—2) Sit in meditation, and see what the first animal is that pops into your mind. –Or– 3) If you’re ready for a new pet, see about adopting one. –Or– 4) Work with a set of animal totem oracle cards. You can either choose the card with the face side down, OR, you can go through the deck and see which animals you are drawn to. When you’re all done—ask your Spirit Guide Animal to help you in every day things, especially around your home. It’s time!

Aquarius (January 21 – February 19) ~ (I) The Magician

Aquarius: I The Magician

Aquarius: I The Magician

You’re at a crossroads, Aquarius. It’s time to get the party started! Your talents and abilities have come together and you’re at a new level of mastery. The Magician, combined with your Ace of Swords for October, means that you’ll have increased success with your goals this month, as long as they are thoughtfully chosen. (And acted upon, of course!)

As the Magician, you have the power to create something out of nothing—you see the opportunities that others do not. You have myriad options: you can choose among goals such as starting/finishing your education, finding a vocation, strengthening or creating loving relationship/s, or improving your financial situation through employment or investments.

See where your passion leads you, and find a partner in crime—will you met with an accountant, a resume writer, or attend a speed-dating event? Let those who can curate experiences for you “add to your magic” so you can enjoy the process.  You can do magic.

Pisces (February 20 – March 20) ~ 5 of Cups

Pisces: 5 of Cups

Pisces: 5 of Cups

Pisces, it’s time for you to clean house. You need to create a “vacuum” in your life for new things to come in by getting rid of something old. For most Pisces, this will be stepping back from some people and relationships.

Please reassess values and beliefs this October before you take any action! If you have a trusted friend or therapist that you can run things by, that would also be helpful. The people around you do not have to agree with you (and you’ll find many do not—but it’s entirely okay), but they do need to respect you and be on your side.

If the people around you are helpful friends, coworkers, and loved ones, then move on to the physical realm. What are you attached to? Is there an area in your life where you’re feeling stuck? Take a look at that area, and see what you can do to clean out.

And if all else fails—just start by cleaning out a bookshelf, or a junk drawer, or even your underwear drawer. By decluttering, you’ll start bringing new energies in—and it’s going to be fun, so don’t cry over the spilled cups. It’s like a poker hand—you’re trading out 3 cards to get the perfect full house.

Aries (March 21 – April 20) ~ 10 of Pentacles

Aries: 10 of Pentacles

Aries: 10 of Pentacles

Ah, the elusive 10 of pentacles. Most of the time, 10s are about overdoing it, or starting all over again at the beginning. But the 10 of pentacles, Aries, is a jackpot. You have all your ducks in a row. This is a card that indicates success, comfort, creativity, and a loving home. It just “buzzes” with positive energy!

Basking in the contentment of knowing yourself and your own wishes. Know that you stand in power. Don’t leave behind those you love–bring in your partner, friend, or your family into your safe and comfortable haven. You need to share your “secret sauce.” For the curious, tell them how you got what you have in this situation. It could be something really easy for you, but difficult for another. You’re now the mentor—and by giving back, good things will flow in.

If you’re single, this is a great spot from which to start dating again. If you’re partnered, do know that you’ve reached a crossroads—enjoy being partners in crime. Let yourself look up at the stars and wonder, “If we were able to do THAT—what else can we do?” It’s like a joyful version of “me and you against the world.”

Taurus (April 21 – May 20) ~ (VIII) Strength

Taurus: VIII Strength

Taurus: VIII Strength

What thing, when brought into control, would reap you tons of benefits? This is a wonderful time to start good habits that have may have been difficult in the past. Maybe you’re single and need to go to one social event and on one date per week. Maybe you want to start applying for new jobs, but just can’t sit down and compose your resume. Maybe you’re tired of a health issue taking over your life.

Know that this is the perfect time to move forward. You will be given additional resources to help with the problem at hand. Part of this is an inner strength that you’ll build up to the next level. But, the other part of this is knowing that you don’t have to do it alone. There are helpful people at hand who want to give you the secret of taming your particular lion. And once you have that trick—the people around you will be amazed. Know that you can do it. And if you need to, put it into baby steps (or as Sark says, micromovements). What can you do in 2 minutes that will strengthen you in this situation? Then, what can you do in another 2 minutes? It’s time for skill building that will lead to long-term results.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) ~ Queen of Swords

Gemini: Queen of Swords

Gemini: Queen of Swords

You, dear Gemini, know how to balance logic and love. It’s one of the benefits of being the sign of the twins—you get twice the wisdom this October. Expect that people will come to your for advice this month, Gemini. It’s gong to be fun, because you’re going to find that you have skills and resources that you didn’t know that you had in place. You’ll learn more about yourself.

The Queen of Swords combined with the Ace of Swords means it’s time to cut through the clutter. Getting what you want should be easier now than it has been in the previous 6 months or so. (As long as you’re not trying to force a person to do what you want!) Look through the Queen’s eyes—act as if you ARE the Queen who knows it all, even if you don’t feel like it. Put on the Queen’s mantle.   For men, take on the energy of mastery found in the queen, but check in with your heart and feelings a bit more. That will give you the gifts of the sacred feminine that you need right now, while strutting in your masculine glory! For all genders, by walking the walk, and talking the talk, you will shift situations into positive outcomes. Due to your gregarious and dual nature, Gemini—the energy’s going to feel so nice this month to you. As a result, you may get distracted. Focus is key to success.

Cancer (June 21 – July 21) ~ (XV) The Devil

Cancer: XV The Devil

Cancer: XV The Devil

So, Cancer, what’s the issue that’s plaguing you? You Cancers have such generous hearts that sometimes people will want to take advantage of you and your loving energy. Because of that, this is a good time to integrate your shadow side with the everyday love you emit. You bring people together. Share your love, support, and friendship for those who appreciate it and say thank you.

Let the Devil be the gatekeeper for this month and be of service to you. Go ahead and examine your shadow side—what does your darkest self want to do? What bad habits do they have? And finally, how can you use a touch of your inner bad boy/bad girl to get what you want? Harness your dark side to fuel your passions—because you’ll be going right back into the light. You can’t stay here with the devil—it’s not your nature. This is a sign. Be selfish this month in a good way—access your passion, drive, and heart. Explore the dark depths to find out what it is you REALLY want.

If you’re one of those people who can’t pick a restaurant (or going through that phase) you’re ready—you’ve got to go deep and pull up that selfishness. Use it to create the next big thing! Do you want a mate you think is hawt? Do you want to perfect your man cave? Do you want to spend a day reading trashy novels or watching Lifetime movies? Do something selfish for yourself. It will give you your mojo back, and you’ll be of service to others in the end—trust us.

The Devil is about releasing the chains that you think are holding you back, but they’ve actually slipped loose. You can walk away at any time.

Leo (July 22 – August 21) ~ (III) The Empress

Leo: III The Empress

Leo: III The Empress

The Empress is a wise woman—the one who can make decisions from a place of wisdom and skill. If you’re feeling adrift and need a mentor, this is a good time to seek someone out for assistance. To bring the right person in, try and go analog. Ask your friends for help and go to at least two events this month where you’ll meet someone new. You’re ready to learn about new solutions and new ways of doing things.

If you’re feeling confident and secure, know that the opposite may occur. It’s time to look at your skill set and acknowledge what you bring to the table.

Leo, What are your special talents and skills? It could be anything from making the perfect tamales, to counseling the lovelorn, to setting up a website. Take a half hour and write down everything it is you know how to do—let your skills put a spring in your step! It’s time to bring some new people into your circle. The right people will share your enthusiasm. It will be magnetic! Who do you want to draw in?

Virgo (August 22 – September 21)  ~ King of Swords

Virgo: King of Swords

Virgo: King of Swords

Virgo, you mastered Strength in September and here in October you reach another level of Mastery—the King of Swords. It is time to lie out your carefully made plans and start executing them. With the support from Spirit in the Ace of Swords (for October) and your ultimate card of the King of Swords—you rule the suit of Air. Your powers of thought, reason, and discernment are here to help you.

You’re not going to be able to help bringing other people along for your adventure. Think about whom you want to join you—otherwise you’ll have a huge group at your home, eating your pantry bare like poor Bilbo Baggins in the Fellowship of the Ring! Keep your arms and heart open—but be discerning. You choose whom to bring into the inner circle. You choose who belongs to your Fellowship.

There’s a place for everyone. And have fun!


Trixie's ready for Fall!

Trixie’s ready for Fall!

We’re ready for Fall weather to arrive!  Wishing you a joyful October, summoning Samhain & an exciting Halloween!

Blessings and Angel Light! ~ Christine






Enchanted Tarot Horoscopes – September 2015

Channeled Tarot Horoscope by ChristinethePsychic.com - September 2015

Channeled Tarot Horoscope by ChristinethePsychic.com – September 2015

 Doesn’t September always make you think about going back to school, regardless of whether you have kiddos in the house? It’s time to buy a new outfit or two, to think ahead to the holidays coming up, and to try to hold on to the last bit of summer. Barbeques and pool parties galore dot our weekends, and we look forward to cooler days to watch baseball outside or take the dog on a long walk in the shade. And less sweating—that, too, at least here in Texas. Trixie has me jogging a bit every day to keep her from puling at the leash—and I’ll end up a runner by default at some point.

Don’t forget to check out the rest of ChristinethePsychic.com.  Want a private or small group class or consultation?  Want to spice up your next party with your own reader? Email ChristinethePsychic@gmail.com to set up your next party or event!

Love and Light, Christine

September 2015 Horoscopes

This month’s horoscopes were channeled using the Enchanted Tarot. This deck is tactile in nature as each card was created as a quilt and then photographed. So much intention and Light has been sewn, quilted, and appliquéd into each card.

September’s Message: The Wheel of Fortune

September's Message for All: 10 - The Wheel of Fortune

September’s Message for All: 10 – The Wheel of Fortune

September is another new year, a month of change. While we often have certain expectations as to what we, or our kids, will learn at back-to-school time, instead; reexamine. It’s time to play the odds, to have a bit of lady luck come your way. In order to have the winning odds, you’ve got to act as if you are the “house” (of the casino). The House knows that it’s going to win, eventually—because it has the odds and the resources to continue playing.

If you decide to back off and just let the situation unfold as it may—you may get very lucky, or you may end up with the leftovers. There’s nothing wrong with that, but–By creating the feeling that you will win, you can bring success into view. For example, if you want a certain type of car—go and take one for a test drive, even if you have no intention to buy it right now. Put the “feeling” of success into you body, just like you would practice the perfect slam-dunk, or Bach etude. It’s all beautiful.

September Sun Signs

Virgo (August 22 – September 21)  ~ 4 of Wands

Virgo: 4 of Wands

Virgo: 4 of Wands

Everything is in balance for you this month, Virgo. If you’re feeling unsupported, reach out—there’s someone willing to have your back for whatever adventure you’d like to embark on. Create a garden around you, or a new home brew set up, or anything that will fuel your passion and zest for life. From this place of stability, you can create things for yourself that didn’t seem possible in the past.

The 4 of Wands is also traditionally associated with love, marriage and the expression of new levels of commitment in your relationship. It’s the foundation from which to create a joyful home. So, if your relationships are floundering, it’s time to give them some TLC.


Libra (September 22 – October 21) ~ Prince of Pentacles

Libra: Prince of Pentacles

Libra: Prince of Pentacles

The Prince of Pentacles is here to take you to the stars, Libra. It’s time for you to announce to the world your wishes and dreams. It’s time to take a risk from a place of strength and virility. It’s okay if those around you don’t agree with you—it’s time to distinguish your voice from the chorus of those around you. The fears of those around you need to be discarded as you move forward.

You will have followers—they may be people who share your dreams, or even romantic partners. Your voice is so persuasive that this time, Libra, that you could convince the very trees to uproot themselves, Ent-like, and follow you over the mountains to the sea.


Scorpio (October 22 – November 22) ~ (4) Emperor

Scorpio: 4 The Emperor

Scorpio: 4 The Emperor

The Emperor is a man of the ages, Scorpio. His power can be used for good or evil. The question is: Are you the emperor, or are you the subject? Wisdom is more easily gained when you have all of the information. If you are the emperor, you need to get up off of your throne and get your hands dirty—find out what you need to know for yourself. You won’t have quite enough information even if you rely on trusted family members, friends, or co-workers. This is a time when you need to experience things to move ahead.

If you’re the subject: Whom are you putting up there on the throne, on a pedestal above you? Are you giving away your power? While we can learn so much from others—we learn more and get better answers when we remember that we are all equal members of the human race. Institutions can to make us believe that we’re not worthy unless we follow the path assigned to us. However, we’re all equal in Spirit. We all have so much to learn, and to share with others. You have a unique contribution, Scorpio.

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21) ~ (11) Justice

Sagittarius: 11 Justice

Sagittarius: 11 Justice

Sit, soak up, and enjoy your power this month, Sagittarius. You are the sword and shield who is making things better for those to follow. What will be your legacy? Who will it be for? Is it for your children, your students, for future generations, or for everyone?

It’s time to take the middle path and stay in balance for this month. Now is also a good time to contact your financial advisor and check on starting or adding to any investments. Things are going well right now, so it is a good time to start saving for the future.

Be proactive about repairs and preventative maintenance of your body and your home. For example, schedule that annual checkup with your doctor or dentist. Or, go ahead and repaint the living room, or have someone replace those rotten shingles. You’ll feel great afterward!

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) ~ (16) Tower

Capricorn: 16 The Tower

Capricorn: 16 The Tower

Capricorn, change is a-coming! While this month may end up looking like one chaotic situation after another, you will successfully make it through to the other side.

Give yourself the upper hand in this situation. Here are three methods to ride out the storm: 1) Instead of being pulled into the chaos, try to stay in the eye of the storm. This will give you some peace as things change around you. You don’t have to engage. 2) Think long term. Know your long-term plans. This way, you can bend the storm to your advantage. 3) Finally, you can even be a tornado-chaser. Use this vortex of power that’s gathered around you to take an excitement-filled ride to the next level.

After the storm is the dawn. After the storm is new growth, green grass, and a happy outcome. Take good care of yourself this month, and be sure to do things that make you happy.

Watch lots of funny movies, make your favorite meal, and kiss those you love.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 19) ~ 7 of Hearts (Cups)

Aquarius: 7 of Hearts (Cups)

Aquarius: 7 of Hearts (Cups)

In the Enchanted Tarot, Aphrodite uses her magic touch to keep all seven hearts in the air, enclosed by an eighth heart, under the light of the moon and the stars. Love overflows for you. It brings you the power of a magician, who creates something out of seemingly nothing. You have skills and support around you that you’re not aware of Aquarius.

It’s time to harness your powers to bring what you want to pass—is it riches? Love? A new home? It’s time to expose the deepest wish of your heart and to go for it. The trick here is that it’s important to think of the outcome and not be attached to HOW it manifests. Ask Archangel Zadkiel to help you clear out any negative or muddled energy holding you back. Can you give a little bit of your worries to Spirit, and open the door to see a broader vision of what you want? Instead of just grasping that little heart with all your might, imagine bringing them together into the eight heart of infinity and bliss, all sponsored by mighty Aphrodite.

Pisces (February 20 – March 20) ~ 2 of Wands

Pisces: 2 of Swords

Pisces: 2 of Swords

Dear Pisces,

Why have you decided to participate in this standoff? Instead of overthinking your situation and staying stuck this month, let go and see what gifts you are given. You feel like you are at a crossroads—and you are. But, a crossroads only shows two outcomes. This or that. Us or them. Black or white—instead of the daily life we live filled with every color of the rainbow AND all the shades of gray.

Take a step back from the supposed problem at hand—take a little vacation form it, because it will be there as long as you’d like it to be there. You don’t have to “opt in” or “opt out.” There doesn’t have to be all the drama here that’s been whipped up about what school to attend, what job to take—or whether you’ll ever date again. There’s a web of opportunities open for you. This month, Pisces—please go take a day and do something that gives you joy. If you’re not sure of what that is—maybe it’s time to make a bucket list of some fun things to do before you hit your next birthday that ends with an “0”—whether that be 20, 30, 40, 50, or even 80.

Love, Your Guides

 Aries (March 21 – April 20) ~ 9 Swords

Aries: 9 of Swords

Aries: 9 of Swords

Aries, you’ve worked this situation out—this is going to be as good as it gets. If you’re in a good situation, soak it up and enjoy it! Have a party and invite everyone to celebrate with you. Maybe you’ve just finished your education, or are moving into a new job. And if you’re mourning the end of a relationship, a job, or a loved one who’s crossed over—have a celebration. Celebrate the person you have become, either because of or despite the person or situation. Have a divorce party and wear red. Celebrate your loved one and leave a plate at the table for them.

You’re at the best place for the swords—if you’re not feeling sure about this, it’s a good time to be turning your mind into an ally. The 10 of swords can mean that you’ve overdone things—and right now at the 9, you’re at the apex of things. You’re the top!

Taurus (April 21 – May 20) ~ Ace of Hearts (Cups)

Taurus: Ace of Hearts (Cups)

Taurus: Ace of Hearts (Cups)

In the Enchanted Tarot, the Ace of Hearts is not accompanied by the traditional cup. Instead there’s an urn. In ancient Egypt, they believed that the best place to make decisions wasn’t in the mind, but in the heart. As a result, they preserved the heart in a small urn or jar to keep it around as long as possible—to give the soul its means of making decisions. Both the heart, and its jar were called the “Ab.”

Know that at this time, you are supported by spirit in any relationships or new endeavors. Let your brain do its own things—and instead, make your decisions from the heart.

Know that spirit is saying, “Never, Never Gonna Give You Up–’cause quitting just ain’t my schtick” (Barry White – Chorus hist at about 2:35-2:40)) so why would you give up on them?

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) ~ King of Pentacles

Gemini: King of Pentacles

Gemini: King of Pentacles

Gemini, you will arrive at a new apex of your creativity this month. By harnessing your power, you can move forward in your artistic life (if you have a creative bent), in your career, and/or in your finances. The King of Pentacles rules creativity, career, and money in a positive way. If you have an entrepreneurial bent, now is a good time to start harvesting those ideas as well.

Look out for allies that can help you in your pursuits. If you’re not sure of how to move forward—start journaling daily, or download a voice recorder app to start capturing your ideas. It’s time to start thinking outside of the box. Act as if you are lucky, and the Law of Attraction will help bring things together for you.


Cancer (June 21 – July 21) ~ Ace of Pentacles

Cancer: Ace of Pentacles

Cancer: Ace of Pentacles

You will be supported in new endeavors this month, Cancer. But, things need to be shaken up a bit. How can you tweak what you are doing to be more successful, especially on the job or finance front? This month is all about sowing the seeds of manifestation, and believing that good things can come to pass. You can have money in a happy way. You can have health in a happy way. You can manifest the physical things you need, like a comfortable home, in a happy way.

In September, make a top 10 wish list of things you’d like to have happen in your life. To the end of each wish, add – “in a happy way” or “quickly and easily.” For example, “I’d like to find a new job, quickly and easily.” Or, “I’d like to start dating, in a happy way.” Whatever it is you want—now is the time to start building it. Start dreaming.

Leo (July 22 – August 21) ~ (8) Strength

Leo: 8 Strength

Leo: 8 Strength

Ah, it’s ironic, Leo, that you got the Strength card this month! In the Enchanted tarot, we see a maiden taming the king of the forest. They both are blessed with special powers to keep the world in balance—the maiden is crowned with the symbol of infinity and the lion with a traditional crown of power—of ruling over all that he surveys.

You will find your Strength through balance this month, Leo. You don’t have to be “tamed,” like the lion is in the picture. Instead, use infinity—think about the long game. Think about sustainability—what can you keep up? Where would you like to invest? Know that you are an asset to those around you. You are well loved; even if it is not always shown the way you’d like it to be.

With the combination of strength and infinity comes excellence, through the skill of knowing when to exert your strength, and when to save it for yourself. Step into your power, Leo.

Ms. Trixie enjoying our grass during the May rains...

Ms. Trixie enjoying our grass during the May rains…

Have a wonderful September. Enjoy the kiddos going back to school, the change in the seasons, and the last bit of summer corn… ~ Christine





Messages from Your Angels Horoscopes – June 2015

June's Message: Bethany

June’s Message: Bethany

Messages from Your Angels Horoscopes – June 2015 

It’s time to enjoy the Summer before things are official at the end of the month!  Get out and have a great time with family and friends.  Soak in the sunshine.  We’ve had so much stormy, rainy, snowy weather around North America that it’s time to get out and smell the flowers.  

Also note that we’re still in the middle of Mercury Retrograde in Gemini until June 11, 2015.  So, be kind to your loved ones and coworkers in your communications, and patient with your electronics if they’re seemingly misbehaving.  Also know that you can harness the energy in a powerful way, but it’s necessary to be thoughtful about your intended outcome before taking action.

Don’t forget to check out the rest of ChristinethePsychic.com for upcoming events and classes.  Want a private or small group class or consultation?  Contact me at ChristinethePsychic@gmail.com for details.

Love and Light, Christine


June 2015 Messages from Your Angels Horoscopes

The Messages from Your Angels deck is a 44-card oracle deck designed by Doreen Virtue.  If you’re interested in angels, or need some help form the Universe, try calling on the Angel who was channeled for your Sun sign this month.  The Angels can help, but you have to ask, and ask for your heart’s true desire.


June Message

June's Message: Bethany

June’s Message: Angel Bethany

Bethany reminds us that self-care is the way to self-preservation, not selfishness.  In taking good care of yourself, you honor yourself and your voice.  Our voices are the 5th chakra and this soft blue is the angels’ version of that light that is you, that is your voice.  If you feel like you’re being pressured to do something that’s not good for you or you’ve been taking on too much, use this mantra.  “Let me look at my calendar, and I’ll get back to you.”

Also know that you don’t have to hole up like a hermit to have good self care.  Do what feeds your soul.  Buy a bunch of hyacinths already!



June Sun Signs


Gemini (May 21 – June 20) ~ Angel Patience

Gemini: Angel Patience

Gemini: Angel Patience

Gemini, you’re grounded this month, connected to the great Earth Mother Gaia.  If you feel that connection slip, stand barefoot and imagine reviving that connection to Mother Earth and your root chakra at the base of your spine.

You are getting ready for great things!  It’s time to learn and to take in information.  Enjoy the process and know that it’s okay to move ahead when you’re ready from being a student to the professional in what drives you—maybe you’ve taken up cooking, or a new hobby, or even a new job.  Know that you’ll get the right information sent to you to move forward this month.  If you’re ready, you can move ahead beginning June 12th after Mercury Retrograde in Gemini is complete; or you can luxuriate in the new things you’re learning throughout the month.

Cancer (June 21 – July 21) ~ Angel Merlina

Cancer: Angel Merlina

Cancer: Angel Merlina

Hi Cancer!  You, like Gemini are ready for something new, something fun.  Merlin will help you find the solution when it seems like there is none available.  Take a little time to do due diligence and do your homework.  Get an expert opinion on your home taxes or anything finance-related by seeing your accountant or other professional.  The time is ripe. The time is fertile.  You just need that missing bit of information to get the prize.

Not sure where to find it?  If you’re looking for romance, change up where you look for a mate.  Try that speed dating event your Aunt Myrtle harps at you to attend, or go to a wine tasting with your best friend.  Find a fun place to people-watch and set up shop, and bring your lucky friend with you.

You’re ready for some magic!

Leo (July 22 – August 21) ~  Angel Omega

Leo: Angel Omega

Leo: Angel Omega

Leo, you’re on a high—Mercury retrograde cannot touch you this month.  Whatever it is that you’ve wanted and been striving for, now is the time to grab it.  All of the stars will seem to be in alignment.  And if you’re skeptical, watch Wayne Dyer’s “The Shift” — it’s time for some magic to happen.

Partnered with your success this month is a new attitude or new learning in your spiritual or religious life.  If you can accept this Shift, you’ll move faster and much more quickly towards your desires in the future.  It all adds up, little by little. Like the elusive unicorn, you will find fulfillment.

Enjoy the month, enjoy the high energy, and share it with those who are dear to you. Congratulations on your success.

Virgo (August 22 – September 21)  ~ Archangel Raphael

Virgo: Archangel Raphael

Virgo: Archangel Raphael

It’s time to reassess your health, diet, and fitness Virgo.  You’re being blessed with support from Archangel Raphael.  If you’ve put off that dentist, physical exam, mammogram, or eye appointment, go schedule it ASAP.  It’s time to put preventative measures in place to stay healthy.

Look around you for all of the ways your life might need healing.  Do you need to honor yourself with forgiveness of a person or situation?  In letting it go to the Angels, you allow your life to open up to get the life and love that you need.  If your heart hurts, share those emerges one last time and let them go.  Know that you did the best you could, and that you don’t have to hold on to things.  People will be judged and held to their karma regardless of whether you let yourself remain hurt.  Louise Hay’s book Heal Your Body is also a good resource for you this month.  It’s time for vibrant happiness, health, and love.  And Raphael is here to bring it to you!

Libra (September 22 – October 21) ~ Angel Adriana

Libra: Angel Adriana

Libra: Angel Adriana

What is your biggest hope, your biggest dream that you haven’t dared spoken aloud?  Or maybe you’ve talked about it to death and feel like the energy is dead and there’s no way through to your goal.

It’s time to make room for those dreams to come true.  You’re on the beginning of a new road.  In order to take you into realms of higher vibration where it’s possible for dreams to come true, try this simple exercise:  revisualization.  At the end of every day, go through and imagine the ideal outcome for any situation that you wish had gone differently.

For example, maybe you wish you had done a better job leading a meeting at work.  You were late and forgot your agenda, to boot.  Now—imagine yourself prepared for the meeting, with your agenda in hand, and getting to the room 5 minutes early. You chat with a friend or colleague, and your meeting stays on target.  People have thoughtful things to say and you’re able to end the meeting on time.

This can work in any part of your life, in any situation.  Like when you have a recurring nightmare, you can “reset” the energy so that it turns into a dream.  Call in Adriana as you do this exercise for an extra boost—she wants to help you, and let you know that you are divinely loved.

Scorpio (October 22 – November 22) ~ Angel Opal

Scorpio: Angel Opal

Scorpio: Angel Opal

If there’s any loved one, person, or pet that you’re concerned about, know that all is well.  Opal is really a comforting angel.  She offers her Motherhood to you to lean on, for support.  Sometimes it’s wonderful to just have a little help for a change.  Call on Opal and she’s at the fore, ready to assist.

Know that you may feel a little funny this month, Scorpio. You’ve gone through a lot of energy shift to clear out the old and negative energy.  Now, your chakras are gong to open and align in a more positive way.  Nurture yourself through this process, and if you feel like you need to see a medical professional, know that you will be supported.

Opal’s message is that, “All is well.”  It’s time to relax and check in with friends.  It’s time to remember that you’re loved.  If you want a new romance/to up the romance, be sure to let the other person do something kind for you.  You might need to lead by example, and enjoy making a home cooked meal, having a surprise picnic, or planning a special date.

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21) ~ Angel Shanti

Sagittarius: Angel Shanti

Sagittarius: Angel Shanti

Shanti is an Angel of rejuvenation, passion, and peace.  How to roll all these together in a life?  Your troubles are on their way out, so you should expect a positive resolution to problems that weigh on your mind.  Turn to the natural world for a sense of rejuvenation.  Walk a shelter dog, sit at the foot of a waterfall, take a swim.  Climb up to the top of Mount Bonnell and howl at the moon.  It’s time to start creating the rituals that give you a sense of closure and feel liberating.  Maybe it’s doing a big spring cleaning and donating excess items.

The point is, Sagittarius, you need to make room in your life for wonderful new things to come in.  If you have a big stack of books or magazines next to your bed, you’re telling the Angels you want a relationship with the books and not with a sweetie to fill the bed beside you.  It’s time to clean your surroundings, either mentally or physically and watch the changes come into your life.  And buying a lottery ticket after you finish Summer cleaning wouldn’t hurt, either!

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) ~ Angel Raye

Capricorn: Angel Raye

Capricorn: Angel Raye

Capricorn, Raye asks you to be aware of your roles in interactions with others through scanning your body.  If you’re not sure a situation will honor your self and your life situation—check your gut (aka solar plexus) and your throat (larynx/pharynx).  Tension in either of these two places is an indicator that things are not actually going the way you want.

The good news is, by being aware, you’re changing what will come in.  You can shuck off any role you’ve taken on and being anew.

If you’re working on your physical body this month, do what you can to nurture it—go out each morning and do a “sun salutation” where you hold up your arms to the rising sun.  Take in that yogic energy.  And know, that everything will happen in the right time, and in the right season.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 19) ~ Angel Serephina

Aquarius: Angel Seraphina

Aquarius: Angel Seraphina

Serephina is full of sparkle, of glowing pink light.  There’s no angel that’s more full of love and giddiness, but in a stable, positive way.  If you want a mate or to extend your family (or family of choice), now is the time to get your fertility checked out, or look at foster care sites, or adopt a pet from your local Humane society.

You have so much love in your heart that it could just burst!  Please remember to share this special gift by radiating that love you have for your family or friends to the world.  You can bring up the vibration of the world with your positive thoughts and actions.

If you’re single, this is the right season to start looking for a mate.  Go and get a great haircut, a new outfit, and you’ll be absolutely irresistible!  If you’re feeling scared, down, or frustrated by this process of enlarging your tribe, know that you have angel’s wings upon your back. It is time.  Let go of your pre-conceived notions and let the Angels surprise you.

Pisces (February 20 – March 20) ~ Angel Daniel

Pisces: Angel Daniel

Pisces: Angel Daniel

This month it’s time to balance your heart and your spirit, Pisces.  Take a little time to brainstorm how you’d like that to come about.  You could make a pros and cons list, or even SWOT it.  Or make a collage. There’s no wrong way to do it with Daniel at your back.

This is a month of new unions, new relationships, and confirmation of established ones.  Daniel is the Angel of Marriage.  Call on him for assistance in your romantic relationships.  He is a reminder that you don’t have to walk alone here on earth.  You’re loved and deserve to be united with one of your soul mates while you’re here on this hurting ball of carbon called Earth.


Aries (March 21 – April 20) ~ Angel Yvonne

Aries: Angel Yvonne

Aries: Angel Yvonne

You’re being supported by the powerful mother energy of Yvonne this month, Aries.  It’s time to embrace your gentle side.  Yvonne will bring any pets or even birds and squirrels in your yard in closer alignment with you.  Expect a neighborhood cat to approach you if you take a daily walk.

This month, let your soft side show.  If there’s a situation that’s been bothering you, know that you have the divine love and assistance of Yvonne to help you through it.  It’s okay to feel afraid or vulnerable, especially as you’re trying on new roles—whether that be at home as a stepparent or grandparent, or at work dealing with new duties.

Think about if there’s a kinder, gentler way to interact with others, especially in the first third of the month while Mercury Retrograde is still in effect.   You’re the one who is going to bring up the energy of those around you—you are the leader, leading by example.  Know that you will be followed in how you do things, how you live in the world—by your spouse, your kids, your family, or even your coworkers.  So you have the chance to make a major shift in the energy around you, all without having to do that spring cleaning.  Lucky Aries!

Taurus (April 21 – May 20) ~ Angel Bridgette

Taurus: Angel Bridgette

Taurus: Angel Bridgette

This June, Bridgette is your supporting angel, Taurus.  Be sure to call on her for anything you would like to make real.  Honor your voice this month and don’t tamp down those dreams of yours.   Give your voice room to take root and grow, just like you would a tree.

Be sure to think through any situation where you’ll be cutting off relationships this month.  Make sure that you don’t get lost in your own head and instead turn to a loved one or friend for support as you navigate the waters ahead.  Know that Bridgette is holding you, supporting you, in the light.  It’s time that you remembered that YOU are filled with divine, joyous LIGHT!


Wishing you the happiest of Junes filled with days of weddings, graduations, passion, and friendship!

~ Christine

Introduction to the Akashic Records – Hutto, May 27th

Surya Teja, cc license

Surya Teja, cc license

Are you wanting spiritual guidance and information about your life, but aren’t sure where to go?  Have you heard of the Akashic Records, but thought you needed someone else to get in?  Are you ready to do some emotional healing?   Are you interested in your past lives?  If so, Introduction to the Akashic Records is for you!  The Akashic Records contain all the energy of our world, so you can access world knowledge and important information about your past lives by using this powerful tool.  The Lords of the Records want to help you learn and grow in this life.

In Introduction to the Akashic Records you’ll learn about what information is contained in the records and what is not, safe methods to access the records on your own, and the difference between the records versus past life regression.  We’ll also make a road map so that you’ll be ready to access your records when you leave class and/or take what you’ve learned to get the most out of having your Akashic Records Reader go into your records.

Event Details:

May 27th, 7-9 pm – WYZDOM Weds – Introduction to the Akashic Records

  • (4-30-15) LINK is to main WYZDOM page as the Akashic Records page is not up yet.  Please contact me directly with questions or for address/directions. 
  • Location: Maria Prinz’ Home in Hutto, TX
  • 2 hour class is $11, paid to Wyzdom Wednesday Meetup online or at the site.

Contact me at ChristinethePsychic@gmail.com and I can access your Akashic Records for you.  I offer psychic, tarot, & medium readings, metaphysical lessons, mentoring, and more!

Sunday, January 11th: Readings & “Feng Shui in the Bedroom: Love Awaits”!

Please join me for a wonderful day of psychic medium readings, energy work, shopping, lectures, and workshops at the Educate Your Spirit Expo: Love and Relationships located at Nature’s Treasures on Sunday, January 11th form 11am-6pm.

My talk/workshop “Feng Shui in the Bedroom: Love Awaits,” will give you fun, easy tips to bring me romance into your life — for singles and couples.

Purchase a 20 minute reading (or longer) and I’ll refund the $5 admission fee for the Expo.

Details below:

Expo Flyer

Educate Your spirit Expo at Nature’s Treasures – See you there!

Free Psychic Medium Readings at Nature’s Treasures – October 15, 2014

Venetian Carnival Mask - GnuckX, CC License

Venetian Carnival Mask – GnuckX, CC License

Don’t miss out!  I will be giving FREE 10 minute psychic medium readings at Nature’s Treasures on Wednesday, October 15, 2014 to complete my Mediumship Certification with the Austin Metaphysical Center.  Readings will be given between 7:30-9:30pm.

Need to contact a relative who’s crossed over?  Want to know what your pet is thinking? This is the night!

There will be 10 graduating students giving free readings, so you can have a reading from one–or even all of us!  In trade for your free reading, we’ll ask you to fill out a brief survey (which goes in our permanent record with AMC).

Nature’s Treasures is located at 4103 North IH-35 Frontage Road, just north of the Fiesta and South of Airport Blvd.     DIRECTIONS & CONTACT INFO

I’m still doing private readings in person, over the phone and via email as well as parties. Let me know if you’d like me to bring some fun to your next event!

See you at Nature’s Treasures!  ~ Christine